Saturday, April 9, 2011

When one door closes...

I know you've all heard the saying "When one door closes, another one opens". Well what about when one door closes, 5 more WINDOWS AND DOORS open?? Well it seems like that's what is happening to me right now. Or maybe I am just now opening my eyes to all the opportunities life has to offer me. Either way, I am excited about life and where things are going to take me.

I guess I am encouraging people to explore new horizons, seriously... TAKE A RISK.
>> @ Generation Church on Wednesday in Seattle, WA., part of The City Church (CHECK IT OUT)
the sermon was about taking risks and knowing God will provide for you and essentially bring you close to him which is a better reward from the risk taken in the first place. (confusing I know, I had to think about it a few times) but it makes perfect sense.

So don't be afraid to try something new.

...Like riding a motorcycle, i know many of you have always wanted to try.

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