Wednesday, February 16, 2011

UPDATE: Valentine's Day...

So I'm in love with an organization called : To Write Love On Her Arms. Their vision inspires me, especially this part..
"You were created to love and be loved.  You were meant to live life in relationship with other people, to know and be known. You need to know that your story is important and that you're part of a bigger story.  You need to know that your life matters."
So I came across their blog yesterday, and there was a post about Valentine's Day.. I want you all to check it out.
It changed the way I looked at Valentine's Day.

"Valentine's Day, i don't hate you. i don't even blame you. Perhaps you did not name yourself. Perhaps you are the product of hundreds of years, hundreds of thousands of broken people and a million God-shaped holes.

The truth is that we're all living love stories."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine Shmalentine...

So here it is... the one day of the year I hate the most (besides the day after Christmas).
Everyone says the people who are single hate V-Day, and that may be true for other people besides me. I hate it when I'm single, and I hate it when I'm in a relationship. Please read these, especially number 10.

Top 10 reasons I despise HATE Valentine's Day:

1.) Whether your single, or in a relationship.. Unless you plan to go out to dinner on Valentine's Day in the beginning of January, your chances of being seated in a restaurant before next year's Valentine's Day are slim to none. ANNOYING.

2.) The pressure to buy gifts. What is the point? On this one day you must buy your significant other something, or flowers? Why not any random day can a man surprise his woman with a bouquet of roses? Getting flowers on V-Day makes me want to puke, knowing that men know its expected makes the gesture so heartless to me. (For future reference: NEVER buy me roses on Valentine's Day)

3.) All the sappy proposal commercials on TV. NEWS FLASH PEOPLE, no average joe is going to surprise you on Valentine's Day with a $10k+ diamond ring.

4.) All the candy. As if candy isn't tempting enough all the other 364 days of the year, it happens to come in abundance and heart shaped on Valentine's Day. ( besides the taste-like sidewalk chalk candy hearts)

5.) Another excuse for companies and stores to make more money off of us buying cards, candy, useless stuffed animals and balloons. Who needs another teddy bear holding a heart shaped "I Love You" Sign?

6.) For those people in a new relationship, they make no "just started dating" Valentine's Day cards, and its an all around awkward holiday for these people. "Do we go out to dinner? or is too soon" kind of thing.

7.) The 24 hour 7 Days a week sappy movie marathons on television for the entire month of February. If I see The Notebook on TV one more time, I might punch a hole in the screen.

8.) What is Valentine's Day anyway, and who is St. Valentine? who cares UUGHHH If this day were important, I'd be off work.. and I'm clearly I'm not.

9.) Fake promises, I clearly remember a boy back in my Junior High School day's probably promising to love me forever... HA! like that was really going to happen. I've seen it even happen among adults... so sad.

I probably sound extremely dramatic. Which is fine. But beyond all 10 of these reasons PLEASE HEAR ME OUT ON THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE:

10.) Why is there one dedicated day out of the year that your supposed to show your boyfriend/ husband/ significant other that you love them? THAT SHOULD BE EVERY DAY!!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


All their stuff is amazing, I couldn't just pick a few things to show you. You have to go look at it all yourself, and it's not sketchy to order things from Etsy, I have a few times. For Example:

My wax seal monogram pendant.
It's not actually wax, it's metal & SO CUTE.
You can customize these any letter you want, any color and any style. Mine is exactly like the one pictured.

ANYWAY, I wish I could constantly buy things from this website.. they have everything you could ever think of that people make and its adorable stuff! Check it out!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy Birthday To: ME!!

So today I am officially turning 20 years old. Yes I know what you're all thinking because, SO AM I! ONE MORE YEAR UNTIL I'M 21 and VEGAS BOUND (anyone & everyone is welcome to join if you pay your own way there HA!)! Even though counting down to being 21 is probably more fun than actually being 21 will be, its still one more year none the less.

Watch out Vegas... you have a year to prepare yourself.

Friday, February 4, 2011

World's Greatest Piña Colada

Now I'm not talking about the kind in a can you add rum & some water to. THIS is the real deal. At first I didn't like them, cause I'm a texture person and there's some chunks of coconut in it... but it has grown on me. too much.

8 1/2 oz. can cream of coconut
8 oz. can crushed pineapple
1 cup vanilla ice cream
3 cups crushed ice
1/3 cup flaked coconut
and of course... 1/4  cup or more rum
>> Combine and blend until smooth, gradually add ice.

& Voilà... a party in your mouth.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

For the LOVE of Bieber

... Now I know what your all thinking: "WOW, I can't believe this 20 year old girl is about to blog about Justin Bieber". Well guess what, I am, get over it. I'm not afraid to admit that his songs are REALLY catchy, I find myself cranking them up in the car with my 16 year old sister, Rebecca, and we love it.

Especially this one:

Well I've decided I REALLY want to see his new movie, Never Say Never. Not because I like him, but because it actually looks good! NO, its not about thinking he's cute or having some creepy crush on him, promise... the kid is a baby practically. come on people. Not mention the fact I've seen the Hannah Montana one, and don't forget the Jonas Brothers 3D one.  So since its my birthday next week, and I saw the Jonas Brothers movie on  my 17th birthday, I think what better time for a Justin Bieber movie to come out! Despite all the hate that he sounds like a girl & what not, those people secretly love his catchy songs and blast them through their car stereos as well, it's okay.... I don't judge you =)